It’s been awhile.

It’s now 2024, the last time I wrote it was 2021 so a lot has changed.

The COVID-19 pandemic is over, life has been back to normal for quite awhile now (thank goodness) but now life is more expensive than you could imagine. When I was younger a million dollars was unheard of, now, it’s talked about like it’s a 20 dollar bill. Buying a million dollar home is extremely common in Ontario, however, the homes are not worth a million dollars. They’re shacks, starter homes with backyards and finished basement apartments – there’s nothing special about them.
Groceries or rent? Pick one. That’s the life some people lead, thankfully I’m one of the lucky ones who gets by. I grocery shop once a month due to me hate going to the store, our average grocery bill is around $400-$500.

Due to the cost of living being so high you would think our wages and salaries were good. I previously wrote about being a hairstylist going through all the lockdowns. I loved being a hairstylist; I’d always wanted to do it in the back of my mind as a child. Due to the lockdowns, it changed people. People wanted things right then and there even if it was impossible due to science, patience wasn’t a thing anymore, and just being a decent human went out the window. I went from loving it to slowly hating it. Being a hairstylist sucked and the place I worked at started to show it’s true colours which turned into a place I hated going to. Therefore, I quit. I decided to leave the career I went to school for for a job I’ve never done in my life – a fork lift operator.

I started out as a picker. I would build pallets of groceries on an double pallet end rider and drop them off in the shipping zone so the shipper could put it on the trailer to be sent out. After 3 months, I got full time. This meant I could go further in the business for more money. I started to train on half pallets, then as a shipper and my main goal as a forks person. Forks is a high reach machine that goes roughly 30 feet in the air, it’s a big machine and most guys are too afraid to drive it – I love it. Day by day I got good at everything I trained on and now I’m a person they can rely on. I got happy, I basically worked out everday so I lost weight and I can say that I love my job.

On a personal level, life is good. I have my apartment, my dog and now I’m getting married. My fiance and I have been together for 10 years and I’m excited to grow old together.

Thanks for reading,


One response to “Hairstylist to Fork Lift Operator”

  1. Denise Avatar

    when one door closes another door opens

    just have to look for it sometimes ❤️

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